I am a girl with a camera and a vision. I come from humble beginnings and good stock, growing up on a dairy farm in northern Michigan, I grew up showing cattle and finding beauty in every aspect of the farm life of northern Michigan. I was always snapping pictures and could not turn my photographer's eye off. I could be in the haymow or on a tractor with my girlfriends, I saw beauty and moments worth capturing on photo even in the beginning of my life. My passion has only grown throughout the years for photography, and today I am proud to say that I have a business to be reckoned with. With my husband Seth by my side as co-owner in my company, Kuirsta Marie Photography, and my son, Greyson, I am strong and constantly re-inventing myself using every professional development option available to me to be the best photographer for the most special moments in your lives. I have been called sweet, and my style is subtle, but I am confident and have an eye for capturing moments that can't be learned, but is innate and second nature to me. I strive for excellence, I strive to build relationships with my clients, I will capture a moment for you that will live forever on your wall, in a Christmas card, a wedding book and in your heart. I am more than a girl with a camera and a vision. I am Kuirsta Marie Photography, and I am your photographer.